Tell us how you get around

Your answers will help improve transportation in the Puget Sound region.


Thank you for your interest in the study. The study is now closed.


We want to hear about your daily travel habits: Why do you travel? How do you travel? How far do you go?

This information is vital for regional and local planning agencies to understand the impact of growth, development, and other changes on our transportation system. Reliable travel options contribute to the region's quality of life, and this study – which builds on the studies previously conducted in 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2023 – will help agencies prioritize transportation improvements to best fit the region's needs.

The 2025 Puget Sound Regional Travel Study region including Pierce county. By 2050, the central Puget Sound region is expected to grow by 1.8 million people. This rise in population and expected job growth could lead to a 35% increase in regional travel demand. Planners in the region are rising to the challenge to accommodate the growing demand for travel while addressing resident and environmental concerns and providing flexibility for future changes.

For more information, please visit our frequently asked questions or contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Study

What is this study all about?

We want to learn how, when, where, and why people travel in and around the region. We're asking you to log your travel to help us understand regional transportation patterns. By participating you can help us plan for future transportation improvements in your community.

Why should I participate?

Your participation ensures that households like yours are represented in our regional transportation plans. Your input has a big impact because only a limited number of households are invited to participate in the study.

How was I selected to participate?

Invited households were selected at random from across the Puget Sound region.

Who is sponsoring this study?

The Puget Sound Regional Council is the regional sponsor. Pierce county is sponsoring extra data collection in their respective jurisdictions.

Completing the Study

How much time does it take to participate?

It takes about 10 minutes to sign up for the study. Once you sign up, we'll give you instructions for logging your travel and completing the study. Households that log their travel for seven days in the smartphone app, rMove, will spend about 5-10 minutes each day reporting their travel. Households that log their travel online or over the phone will spend about 10 minutes per household member reporting their travel for one day.

What do I get for participating?

You will receive a gift card once all members of your household have reported their travel and completed their surveys. If your household participates using the smartphone app, rMove, each participating adult will receive a gift card (e.g., a household with two adults receives two gift cards). Households that report their travel online or by calling in will receive a single gift card.

What if I don’t travel much?

Any amount of travel (even if you don’t make any trips) will help us improve regional transportation planning. Don't forget that short trips, such as walking the dog, count too. Deliveries to you, such as take-out or groceries, are also important.

What if my travel habits during the study aren’t my “typical” habits?

That’s no problem - we still encourage you to participate. We’ll also ask about your typical travel habits, how your travel has changed over the past year, and how you think you’ll travel in the future.

I was invited to use the study smartphone app, rMove. How does it work?

After you download rMove and sign up, rMove will log your trips for one week while you go about your daily life. Each day you'll be asked to complete a short daily survey about your travel habits as well as a trip survey about each trip you make.

Who should sign up?

Please have only one household member complete the initial sign up survey for the study. Once your household is signed up, all household members need to participate in the study to be eligible for gift cards. If using the app, please have all household members download the app and use the participation code that was emailed. If doing the one-day study, please answer for your entire household.

Study Results

How is my personal privacy protected?

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and security of your personal information. We take this responsibility seriously. Our Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand how we collect and safeguard your information. To read the study’s full privacy documentation, visit

How are the results of the study used?

This study will help the Puget Sound Regional Council and local governments plan transportation improvements so that investments are made when and where needed to accommodate the region’s growth.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the study or how to participate, please contact us by submitting a request below.


If you were invited to the study by mail and have lost your access code, please provide your mailing address in your message.

Required fields are noted with an *

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