Your answers will help improve transportation in the Puget Sound region.
Thank you for your interest in the study. The study is now closed.
We want to hear about your daily travel habits: Why do you travel? How do you travel? How far do you go?
This information is vital for regional and local planning agencies to understand the impact of growth, development, and other changes on our transportation system. Reliable travel options contribute to the region's quality of life, and this study – which builds on the studies previously conducted in 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2023 – will help agencies prioritize transportation improvements to best fit the region's needs.
The 2025 Puget Sound Regional Travel Study region including Pierce county. By 2050, the central Puget Sound region is expected to grow by 1.8 million people. This rise in population and expected job growth could lead to a 35% increase in regional travel demand. Planners in the region are rising to the challenge to accommodate the growing demand for travel while addressing resident and environmental concerns and providing flexibility for future changes.
For more information, please visit our frequently asked questions or contact us.
If you have questions about the study or how to participate, please contact us by submitting a request below.
If you were invited to the study by mail and have lost your access code, please provide your mailing address in your message.
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